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  • May

    Houston Community College (HCC) has been named one of 10 national finalists to receive a $1 million grant from the Lumina Foundation of Indianapolis, IND. Through its Million Dollar Community College Challenge, the foundation will award $1.9 million in grants and technical assistance directly to community colleges, with one college receiving $1 million and nine colleges receiving $100,000 each.

  • Apr

    A summer camp at Houston Community College’s Stafford campus will introduce high school juniors and seniors to smart manufacturing and the basics of computer-aided design, plasma cutting and the role of robotic instrumentation. Offered by the HCC Material Science and Smart Manufacturing Center of Excellence, the June 6-10 camp is especially aimed at students interested in learning more about smart manufacturing careers.

  • Apr

    A first-of-its-kind, free, two-day career fair and exposition focused on green energy jobs, career training and education will take place at HCC Central South Campus on Friday and Saturday, April 22 and April 23. Green Opportunities Houston will feature more than 300 job openings from dozens of employers, including the City of Houston, CenterPoint Energy – in a festival-like atmosphere with music, food and green energy activities. Registered guests will have a chance to win a laptop, tablet or

  • Apr

    Houston Community College has been designated the seventh most “military friendly” large community college in the nation for 2022-2023. The ranking was made by Military Friendly, a national advocacy organization that encourages investments by schools to recruit, retain and advance veterans as students or employees.

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