
Newsletter from Trustee Dr. Pretta VanDible Stallworth, District IX

Aug 9, 2022

To the HCC District 9 Family:

In fall 2021, I was elected to serve as Director-at-Large for the national Association of Community College Trustees. ACCT represents 1,200 community colleges and 6,500 trustees. It is with honor and great humility that I serve in this capacity. The ACCT Director-at-Large three-year term allows me to speak on behalf of HCC, Texas, and the ACCT Western Region.

This spring I was appointed to the historical Rice Engineering Alumni Board to serve a three-year term. The REA is the oldest affinity group at Rice University. As a Board member, I look forward to strengthening the relationship between HCC and Rice.


Options to Help You Succeed

This fall HCC will be more involved in the District 9 recruitment efforts for academic programs. HCC offers a special program for eligible Seniors aged 55 and older. In 2018 I advocated for the program, and it was established. Seniors 55-64 can take classes at half tuition, and Seniors over age 65 can take classestuition-free.

Dual-Credit classes are now offered at Worthing Early College High School, Madison and Westbury high schools. Students are also eligible to take workforce Career Technical Education Certification training at South Campus and Brays Oaks Campus.


Opening Doors of Opportunity

Collaborations with organizations in District 9 increase campus activities that raise awareness about HCC. HCC District 9 partners with organizations including public and private businesses, religious establishments, homeowner associations, civic clubs, community development corporations and nonprofit entities. ;

Bridging the Digital Divide organization distributed more than a thousand free WIFI Hot Spots to District 9 residents. The Life Achievement Award honored 100 volunteers for their tireless community service in District 9 and beyond. Two TED Talk events by TEDxAlief were hosted at the West Houston Institute. The Black Alumni Network of the High School for the Performing and Visual Arts celebrated its 50th year at the historic Heinen Theater on Central Campus.

HCC will continue to strengthen relationships within District 9. HCC District 9 has advisors at South Campus and Brays Oaks campus who can assist residents with education and workforce needs. HCC advisors provide potential, new and returning students with enrollment and financial aid support. Additional information about HCC is available online by request at


Trustee Dr. Pretta VanDible Stallworth Signature

Pretta VanDible Stallworth, Ph.D., PMP

HCC Board of Trustees

District IX


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