HCC Soar Safe

Do your part to Help Prevent the Spread of Covid-19

HCC Soar Safe SwoopWe are HCC Strong, and for over 50 years we’ve proven time and time again that together we have what it takes! Our #hccsoarsafe pledge is a shared commitment to one another to take all necessary precautions to ensure a safe environment for our HCC community. In order to stop the spread of COVID-19, we strongly encourage and recommend you take the pledge to protect yourself and others.



Wash my hands

Wash my hands

Wear a mask

Wear a mask

Watch my distance

Social Distance

Stay home if I'm ill

Stay home if i'm ill

Get vaccinated

I'm Vaccinated



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We Are Here to Help

On-campus and virtual support options are available. Please click here to visit the Virtual Lobby webpage which is a one-stop resource to learn about the most up-to-date links and service hours for enrollment, advising, financial aid, and payment arrangement help.