TEA recognizes HCC Challenge Early College High School for outstanding achievements

May 5, 2017


Recent recognition by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) shines a light on the successful programing for at-risk students at Houston Community College (HCC) Challenge Early College High School (ECHS).

The TEA recently granted 16 Houston Independent School District (HISD) Title 1 schools high-performance and/or high-progress status for the 2015-2016 school year. Challenge ECHS is unique in that it is one of 10 schools to make both lists.

 “I beamed with pride when I heard about our students’ achievements,” said Challenge ECHS Principal Tonya Miller. “It’s the high-progress award that truly hits my heart. This award shows the support system in place to help these at-risk students adjust to a fast-paced, rigorous course environment is working.”

According to the TEA, a high-performing school is identified as a Title 1 school with distinctions based on reading and math performance with the highest graduation rates. A high-progress school is identified as a Title 1 school in the top 25 percent in annual improvement and/or a school in the top 25 percent of those demonstrating ability to close performance gaps.

The first early college of its kind in Houston, Challenge ECHS has been a part of the HCC Southwest College West Loop campus for 14 years. Challenge ECHS is a Title 1 school and part of HISD, and at least 40 percent of students come from low-income households. In addition, many students are second language learners and are first generation college students at-risk for dropping out.

There are 478 students enrolled at Challenge ECHS taking dual-credit classes from HCC professors. Upon completion of the two-year program, students graduate with their high school diploma as well as their associate’s degree.

“These distinctions show if you put your mind, your heart and your time into achieving a goal, great things can happen,” Miller said.

For more information on the HCC Dual Credit program that includes Challenge ECHS visit: hccs.edu/dualcredit/.

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